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Théophile enfant parrainé 24h Tremblant

It's a challenge I'm ready to take on!

Théophile, in remission and in treatment 

Hi, my name is Théophile, I am 14 years old and I am in remission and still being treated for a desmoplastic small cell tumour.

Everything started in November 2023, on the way back from a football game. Delighted by his team’s victory, Théophile told his parents he wasn’t feeling well, but they thought it was just fatigue from an energetic game. The next day, extreme, unusual fatigue prompted his parents to bring him to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with desmoplastic small cell tumour.

Since then, Théophile has gone to the CHUL de Québec for regular chemotherapy sessions, with medical examinations in between treatments and the prospect of radiation therapy to come. What annoys him the most is that he had to stop his favourite activities, such as football and in-person school, instead attending remote classes for a few subjects. 

He says he was overwhelmed by the situation initially, wondering why this was happening to him. “It definitely scared me at first. I was even a little angry and thought, ‘Why me? Things were going fine, but now everything has turned upside down.’”

Despite it all, Théophile finds comfort and moments of happiness in many ways, whether that be cooking with his family, making plans for the future, going for walks or spending time with loved ones.

With admirable resilience and unshakeable determination, Théophile talks about his dreams. To become a football player, and who knows, maybe go into politics after his sporting career, an ambition that is reflected in his involvement on the student council. This calm and strong-minded teen refuses to be defined by the disease. He looks at the future through positive lenses, hoping to reconnect with his passion for football and fulfill his ambitions despite the challenges ahead.

Thank you to the exceptional Charles-Bruneau Pediatric Oncology Unit staff!



For the families of our child heroes, participating in the 24h Tremblant is an opportunity to celebrate life, courage and hope.

Thank you for being an important part of this vast wave of solidarity!

You’re giving children hope for a brighter future through various programs and research projects funded by the 24h and its beneficiaries: Fondation Charles-Bruneau, CHEO Foundation, CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation, The Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation and Fondation Tremblant. 

Your donations matter. They make a real difference in the lives of Théophile and thousands of children.


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