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milane enfant parrainée 24h tremblant

It was reassuring to know that it would soon be over!

Milane, whose immune system is back to normal

My name is Milane, I'm 9 years old and I was treated for bone marrow suppression.

In April 2021, 6-year-old Milane was overcome by heavy fatigue, and bruises the size of a clementine emerged all over her body. 

The blood tests and lumbar puncture left no doubt on the diagnosis Sainte-Justine doctors made: Milane was suffering from bone marrow suppression, a serious rare bone marrow disease. In fact, her little body wasn’t producing enough red and white blood cells and platelets in her blood. Bone marrow transplant was the only treatment that could cure Milane. A donor had to be found quickly.

During the examinations to test family compatibility, Milane’s state deteriorated to the point where her immune system was severely weakened, and her defenceless body became vulnerable to the slightest fever or infection.

“My brother Léo was the person who gave me his bone marrow and saved me,” says Milane.

Milane’s older brother Léo, then 11 years old, was identified as the only compatible donor in the family. Isolated and withdrawn from school ahead of the operation, the kind-hearted brother agreed without hesitation. For Isabelle and Marc-André, Milane and Léo’s parents, there was a feeling of guilt, and their parent hearts were overflowing. 

Léo underwent 70 lumbar punctures. The precious stem cells harvested were then transfused into Milane, who was in an operating room just a few doors away.

Thanks to research and the bone marrow transplant received from her brother, the funny, courageous and sweet-tempered Milane is healthy once again. She can read, swim, and continue the drama classes she loves so much!

It's all made possible by the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation!



For the families of our child heroes, participating in the 24h Tremblant is an opportunity to celebrate life, courage and hope.

Thank you for being an important part of this vast wave of solidarity!

You’re giving children hope for a brighter future through various programs and research projects funded by the 24h and its beneficiaries: Fondation Charles-Bruneau, CHEO Foundation, CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation, The Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation and Fondation Tremblant. 

Your donations matter. They make a real difference in the lives of Milane and thousands of children.


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