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Lovania enfant parrainé 24h Tremblant

I always have a choice.

Lovania, in remission

Hi, I'm Lovania, I'm 7 years old and I'm in remission from T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma.

“On November 18, 2021, our world turned upside down. Four days later, the battle started.” That is how Lovania’s family recalls the day that would mark the following months. 

Lovania received her cancer diagnosis when her mom was 19 weeks pregnant with her little brother François.

During this ordeal, Lovania had the privilege to be treated at the Centre de cancérologie Charles-Bruneau, in Sherbrooke, near her home, which was a relief for the family. From November 2021 to August 2022, she underwent intensive treatments there, marked by numerous hospitalizations. Fortunately, the family had plenty of support both at the hospital and at home.

Since then, the family has learnt to cultivate patience and take a positive attitude toward the illness, by choosing to believe “You always have a choice.” As for Lovania, she had many opportunities to demonstrate her remarkable strength and ability to maintain a positive mindset. 

In 2022, on back-to-school morning, Lovania received her doctors’ approval to start school as planned. That day, she left the hospital and skipped her way happily to kindergarten. On April 11, 2024, she took her last chemotherapy tablet, and a few days later, after having waited so long for this moment, she rang the bell that marked the end of her treatments, surrounded by her whole family, who celebrated this milestone with intense emotion. 

Lovania, an affectionate little girl who likes the colours of the rainbow, who loves animals, who dreams of owning a horse and to become an astronaut, will continue to go to the hospital each month for her medical follow-ups until April 2029, when she will officially be able to celebrate her recovery.

We're fortunate to have a Charles-Bruneau Unit close to home!



For the families of our child heroes, participating in the 24h Tremblant is an opportunity to celebrate life, courage and hope.

Thank you for being an important part of this vast wave of solidarity!

You’re giving children hope for a brighter future through various programs and research projects funded by the 24h and its beneficiaries: Fondation Charles-Bruneau, CHEO Foundation, CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation, The Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation and Fondation Tremblant. 

Your donations matter. They make a real difference in the lives of Lovania and thousands of children..


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