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Alexis enfant parrainé 24h Tremblant

May the force be with you! That's my motivation.

Alexis, who has regained the use of his legs

I'm Alexis, I'm 17 years old and I live with spastic cerebral palsy.

Alexis’s story with Sainte-Justine is as old as he is, 17 years. When he was born prematurely, he and his mother were quite literally saved by the neonatology team. It took seven hours of operations and 18 specialists to save their lives. An arrival in the world that left marks. Due to a lack of oxygen when he was born, Alexis has since been coping with mild autism spectrum disorder and spastic cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is the most common physical disability in Canada, affecting two to three people out of every 1,000.

From the age of 10, Alexis was confined to a wheelchair, his muscles not developing at the same rate as his legs, making it virtually impossible for the young teenager to stand.

In April 2022, when Alexis was 14, the operation to treat his condition  became unavoidable, but also extremely difficult: stretched muscles, displaced knees, cut femurs, scars by the dozens. The Centre de réadaptation Marie Enfant of the CHU Sainte-Justine became his second home for eight months, during which he made herculean efforts to regain the use of his legs.

After two years of post-operative rehabilitation, Alexis is now strong, proud and, most importantly, able to stand. He continues his rehabilitation in physiotherapy twice a week and follows a daily muscle-stretching program. He continues to improve his walking technique.

Alexis owes these giant steps to his extraordinary adaptability and fierce determination, which enable him to enjoy his passions – video games, cars, and aircrafts – fully as adulthood nears. He flies regularly with his grandfather, a Vietnam veteran and pilot.

It's all made possible by the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation!



For the families of our child heroes, participating in the 24h Tremblant is an opportunity to celebrate life, courage and hope.

Thank you for being an important part of this vast wave of solidarity!

You’re giving children hope for a brighter future through various programs and research projects funded by the 24h and its beneficiaries: Fondation Charles-Bruneau, CHEO Foundation, CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation, The Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation and Fondation Tremblant. 

Your donations matter. They make a real difference in the lives of Alexis and thousands of children.


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